Sunday, January 23, 2011

Monkey Geoge

My name is Jenii . Jenii as in Jenny. It's catchy isn't it.  I am a homeschooling mom of 3. Ethan 10, Ashleigh 8, and Averie 6.  They are the funnest kids ever, and yet they drive me bananas. Averie is the most trying. She is the cutest thing but since the age of 2 she has not stopped moving. She's the only one so far (knock on wood) that we've had to take to the emergency room. Four times. And we've only lived in our house for 5 yrs.  I was seriously freaking out thinking CPS was going to come take our kids away.
One of the times she was coughing and she looks at us and says " I swollowed Monkey Geoge".
Thats what she would call Curious George . Adorable Right! Anyways, my husband and I were like what? So we're looking around and trying to figure it out until Asleigh her sister says ," The one that was on her cake Momma." Holy COW!  This wasn't a little candle topper. It wasn't even a candle topper it was a miniture Curious George figurine that I had put on a cheap HEB cake so I could say look what Momma got you, a Monkey George cake. So I take her to the ER and they did Xrays, they ask  her all the questions. And then they come in to tell us we have to wait until she poops it out. I look at him and ask," How is that going to happen?" "It's a big toy and she has a little booty." They reassured us she would be fine. Apparently she's not the only child to swallow figurines. After 3 hr's of waiting she finally poops and they got it in there fancy little poop bag and said we could go home and she was fine.
We were still in shock that she could swallow that thing. Fast forward 2 months. I'm cleaning her room, which looks as if she should be on that show about hourders, and guess what I find under all her toys. MONKEY GEORGE!!!! Yup, we stayed in the ER for at least 5 hrs, worried and waiting for her to poop. She walks in and says ,"You found my Monkey Goege".  To this day I have no clue what she swallowed and I don't think I want know.

Jenii Marie

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