Saturday, August 18, 2012

Resting in Gods plan

Well, God is making some mighty big changes in our sweet little Familia!
Numero Uno, I'm learning Spanish! Just kidding, I'm not.
But, my kiddos are no longer being home schooled!! I have "partially" cut the ties and they are now going to First Baptist Academy!!! Woot!  Woot!  And I say partially, because they will be upstairs and I will be teaching PreK3's downstairs. ;0)  Baby Steps.
I'm still freaking out, well I was, but I remembered, Gods in control. Aaand I'm downstairs.

The other thing the Lord is doing in our family, which JD and I have prayed about  for the last 14 yrs., but really, really been praying about it for the last 6yrs is we are adopting. We don't know who, but we know we are. We have to go through the whole process. Which I must say is a long, very papery process. Seriously! When we had our own kids it was like Congrats! Here's your baby, Good luck. Oh, and don't bathe them until their belly button falls off!   What!!! Why!!!  Soo confused!
I thought Ethan was deaf the first few weeks cause when I banged on the wall next to his bassinet he wouldn't wake up. My Tio, ( who was also our pediatrician) was like, " Mija, Why?! Why would you bang on the wall? He's sleeping. Let him sleep, Mija."  It was all sooo confusing to me!

The other big change happening is JD and I feel that the Lord has asked us to adopt a sibling group. Which means we will be taking in  2-4 kiddos, 7 years old and younger, as our own.
So right about now, for those who are just hearing this news, your probably thinking, Holy Moly! She's completely gone Bonkers! OR you are thinking Wow! How awesome is that! They must have big hearts!  And y'all are both kinda right, Actually I would agree more with the Bonkers people.
Yes, we do have a big heart when it comes to loving kids. God has always placed a desire in my heart to have a bunch of kids. I just never imagined that He would fulfill it in this way. But I know He is in control and with a joyful heart I accept it. Not to say that I'm not scared. Cause Holy Cow! Who wouldnt be? It is scary when I really think about it.That will be a total 7 kiddos.( And yes, I did use my fingers.) But I trust Him. And how awesome God is to give me a husband with the same desire.  Soo, Here comes the sappy part. Sorry.
One thing I do want to say, with a humble heart. It really has nothing to do with JD and I being special or having a big heart. But it has everything to do with the God that we serve. HE is an amazing God and HE has blessed us more than we could ever ask or deserve. Over and over again I have seen the hand of God protecting my marriage, restoring it, and growing it. And when He calls you to do something that is scary and causes you to completely trust that He will make a way, you Go and you listen.
Something I've heard this past week and I've heard it before. But it really rings true to me even more now is, He does not call the Equipped, but instead He Equips the called.
 So here I am letting go of having complete control of my kids schooling, or naively thinking that I did. And saying yes Lord, I will open my home to children whom I've never met before, but in my heart I already feel that they are mine. I will love them with the same unconditional love I have for Ethan,Ashleigh and Averie.  I can say this without a doubt or question in my mind because God has planted this love in my heart way before I was even born. How Amazing is that! My God IS an Awesome God and is Soo Good!
Philippians 2:12-13

Jenii Pena

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh, the Pain

Yesterday, I decided it was time for me to really get serious about getting back to the gym. So, as any normal "fluffy" woman would do, I went all GI Jane and did two classes. I realize now that most "fluffy" women know  they are not GI Jane for a reason. 
It hit me that maybe I should have re thunk this whole 2 class thing  when I was putting the weights on the bar and was already very winded.  I couldn't look back now. I had already promised myself to go through with it. "I can do this." I tell myself. "You've done this before, it's a piece of cake." That's a bunch of Hog Wash! Cake is good, and you can sit and eat it. Working out hurts from the tips of my poo- free hair to the bottom of my unmatched socks.

 By the end of the first class I was already shaken like someone had just tazzered me. What do you do when your that tuckered out?  Well, If your your GI JANE you go for another round. And that's exactly what I did. Let me just say there was a plethora of weaknesses leaving my body, cause I was feeling a whole lot of pain.

I'm really feeling it today. While getting in my "Monster" truck it crossed my mind to use my youngest child as a stepping stool. Looking at Averie I thought "Just stand behind me baby, you can break my fall."  Don't judge! She's young, she heals faster. And who's stupid idea was it to get a truck with a 6in lift for a woman who is 5'2 anyways! Okay, maybe it was my idea, but he said yes, so that means it's his fault!

I will never understand how it is possible to be this sore. I can't even walk. My legs will not listen to me. My mind is saying step and then 2 sec. later here comes my legs. They're fighting me saying, " We ain't gonna step, your the fool that did this, so your gonna have to drag us."  So here I am trying to walk, looking as if I'm in the midst of a seizure.  When all I want to do is  just lie down in the middle of the street.

Well,  I have a feeling that tomorrow is not going to be any better. But I'm not quiting now. After all is said and done I'm glad I finished those 2 classes. I'm not giving up now, and just maybe by summer I'll be out of those "Mom" jeans and back in my "Hot" pants.

This is me,
Jenii Marie

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Piano as a Sport? Who Knew!

 Growing up JD and I both were in sports. He was an Amazing soccer player, (although it's  the only thing he's humble about and will tell you other wise). He actually had a chance to try out for the Olympic team  but chickened out. He thought he lacked some of those "Mexican Ninja" soccer skills. But, he did gain some really nice looking legs! Today, he's all about basketball. He's like, "Babe, I gotta get back in shape before the next season starts!" as he's checkin him self out in the bathroom mirror. Next thing you know he's on the stair stepper,wearing his little bandana, Jammin to some to some Vanilla Ice.  "Ice, Ice Baby da da da da da na nana"  He knows the whole thing by heart. And sings it proudly.
Then he comes home and says, "Hey, Guess what Babe? I just lost 40 pounds." " Ah, thats great Baby!" I say," Looky What I made you,a Chocolaty Chocolate Cake. Eat the whole thing!"
I was also athletic, but not as hardcore as Hot Legs over here. There was a time,though , when I wanted to be just as good or even better than the boys. I remember being in the 9th grade and running to my Dad and saying, " Dad, the coach thinks I'm really fast and I want to try out for the Football team!!!!"  (Okay, I 'm sure looking at me now, your probably thinking, "Gurrrl!! You could hold your own." )  Ya, probably now, minus the fast and add the tinkling when running part. But  back then, not so much. In 9th grade I was 5 foot 2 and weighed 102, 105 when "Aunt Flo" was visiting. But by golly, I knew I could do it. My Dad looked at me and said,"Are you Crazy?  Mirar Mija,They will clobber you,!"  (When my Dad is serious, all of sudden he breaks out in his Spanglish). "But, Daddy" I said,"I would be the quarter back. All I'd have to do is run AND she said I'm fast."  I was Dead Dog Serious!  I know,  I Know! The quarter back doesn't do the running.  I never said I knew anything about sports, I just said I was athletic!  
Ashleigh is our middle baby. She looks exactly like me, but complete opposite.  It was when we first moved into our home that I realized how different we actually were.  One day I go outside to check on the kids, I look and see Averie running around, dirt all over her face as if she just ate the whole front lawn. And then there's Ethan, working on his massive scooter moves. And  then there's  my Ashleigh Nicole. Standing on the side walk, in a pretty little church dress, holding her purse. She waves to one of the boys across the street and bats her beautiful brown eyes and says," Hi, (little boys name here)!" " OH, No you Don't Ashleigh Nicole Pena!!," I  yell as if she just ran off and eloped with some hooligan,"YOu go put on some jeans and throw some dirt on your face!" "You will not flirt with boys unless they are on your team!" 
From that day on I was determined to put all 3 in sports, especially Ashleigh. I was not going to have a "Prissy" girl.
Ethan has played baseball for about 4 yrs. and the girls tried t-ball. Last fall we signed Ethan up for fall ball like we always do and Averie decides she wants to play Coach pitch. Okay, I look at Ashleigh and she says "I'll try softball, Momma."  " Are you sure?"  I say .  So, the next week we are at softball practice.
I was so excited that all three of my babies were playing baseball/ softball. I began thinking ,"I'll bedazzle a cute shirt  that says, " BASEBALL MOMS ROCK!!" and all three of their names will sparkle like diamonds across my back. "Oh, it's All planned out in my head. All except how the heck I'm going to get them to all their games. "Not important!" I shake it off.  I had an amazing baseball mom shirt in the works.
Well, I'm there watching and cringing as I watch her practice.The team mom comes over to me and says, " Wow, she's tall. She's "going " to have an arm. I'd like her to pitch!"
Like I said she played one season of tee- ball and anyone who has seen tee-ball knows there's no catching in tee-ball. It's like a bunch rabid monkeys running around a fenced in field with the ball flying "EveryWhere! " I looked at her and thought, " Well, Bless her heart, apparently this team mom is either a little "Special" or she's completely blind!" I politely respond, " Umm, Well that could be a problem. She's not so good on the throwing part and she can't catch worth diddly squat."  She looked at me and said with a straight face, " Oh, thats not a problem. The pitcher doesn't need to catch the ball. She can Duck and Cover!!"  I guess she thought the same rules apply for dodgeball AND softball. Ashleigh played maybe 3 games and that was it.  Well, there went my sparkly baseball moms rock shirt. :0(
Well, I can say that I have finally surrendered to the idea that Ashleigh had to be an athlete just like her Bubba and Averie. I was trying so hard to fit her into my little cookie cutter shape, and it just would not work. She's mine after all, Right. She has mine and JD's genes. Wrong! I couldn't have been more wrong. She is the Lords and He has created her with her own special talents and gifts. I was reminded of that this past Tuesday. We decided to sign her up for piano lessons and she was beyond thrilled. I took her to her first lesson and as I sat and watched her play I had to fight that "UGLY" cry. She beamed and I could see how proud of herself she was. She was finally good at something. All the sports we had put her in was almost like a constant reminder that she wasn't "as good". It wasn't that we weren't proud of her. Cause we were, we just couldn't see that passion that the other two had when they held a ball, or ran to first. We wanted that for her. But she's Ashleigh Sweet, quite, can I read my book Ashleigh. And now she's, " Momma, come and watch me play the piano." Ashleigh. And she's sooo good at it and she is sooo passionate about it. I couldn't be more proud of who the Lord has created her to be. 

This is me,
Jenii Marie

Psalms 139:13-14
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

For the Love of Huggy

We have this puppy, not really a puppy. More like a sick old man dog. His name is Huggy Bear and he was our "practice" baby.   We didn't want to harm an actual baby, of course!
 We got him the week we got back from our honeymoon.  Yup! I knew exactly when to ask for a puppy. Huggy Bear was Adorable! He had these big brown eyes that just melted my heart. I loved him right away. As they put my new" baby" in my arms ( three hundred dollars later) he smiled. I know he did, I saw it. On JD's face? Ehh, not so much .When I told him how much I payed for him he was like,"What! are you crazy? He's a Mutt!" I said, " But Baby, he's not a mutt! He's a Shi tzu/terrier mix!" As if there's a difference.  This was before they had those designer pups, so he didn't find that very helpful.  All he saw was a dog that I paid three hundred dollars for.  But ,it's amazing how forgiving your husband can be when you've only been married for two weeks.  So, we had our baby.
This was 13 yrs ago. Huggy Bear, our" baby" , is now 13yrs old. In dog years, thats 91. He is beyond old.  He's "tail in the grave" old! And now he is blind and deaf! How do you call a dog that is blind and deaf ?  Well, you clap your hands Really hard, And yell Really, Really loud.
You'll see me in the front yard clapping and yelling, " HUGGY! HUGGGY!!!HUGGGY BEAR!!!!! COME HERE!"  I'm just glad i didn't name him something else.  Can you imagine? "BABY! BABBBY!!!! BABY  GET OVER HERE!"  Ya, that would get the neighbors talking.
So now my blind and deaf dog is trying to run to me, which is really just walking, (he thinks he's running), in the opposite direction, thinking that he's following my voice.  I'm like "forget it"  and  I go and pick him up.  It's Crazy Hilarious!
Well,  One day I see that he's having trouble breathing. and extremely bloated.  The Kids and I are scared and balling. We rushed him to the vet and it turned out that he was going through cardiac arrest. He was just really old and his body was just giving out.  The vet gave me some pills to help him with the bloating and said he maybe had a month.  But it didn't look good.  Well, we get him home, get him comfortable and I bath him getting his hair all nice,cut and looking all GQ.  I sat the kids down explained it all and we were ready to say our goodbyes. (I know very sad.)
A week later Averie runs in the house screaming, "Momma!!!  Huggy is stuck to Sophia Joy!!!!" "What!" I'm thinkin." that is impossible!  He's dying.  He can't do that!"  Sure enough, I go outside, and LOOKY WHAT I FOUND!  Huggy "Stuck" to Sophia.  "Momma?"  I hear Averies little voice. "Who would "glue" them together?"  I looked at her sweet face and said,  "Baby, I have no idea? But that is just plain mean!" 
They were stuck like that for at least 20 min.  Not even Joking.  Sophia would look at him and Huggy  would just look up into outerspace.  He couldn't see, so I don't know how on God's green earth he was able to find her.  She must have been yelling his name out really  loud to get him to follow her voice. But I sure as heck didn't hear it.
Nine weeks later , my Huggy, (12 at the time, 84 in dog years),  was now a proud Papa to a litter of Shi T Chi's.  You heard me right. Shi tzu/terrier/ Chihauhaus.  I like to skip the whole T and just leave the Shi Chi's part.  Which sounds like ChiChi's, but that's a whole lot better than ShitChi's coming out of 4 year olds mouth.
 So, Guess what this homeschooling Momma was teaching her children that year?  "Where do puppies come from!"  they asked  "Well, Hunny,Really old Dogs! "
 It's 2012 and we still have Huggy Bear. And 2 more litters later we are convinced that he is playing us and (poor Sophia) for a fool.  He still can't see worth diddly squat and his hearing is worse. But boy, does he ever live out is name Huggy Bear.  Now he has a chronic cough and because he's old he coughs, which makes him fart, which scares him and makes him jump. And because he jumped he starts to cough  again.  You know the rest.  It's  a really ugly cycle.
But, he's my baby. And there's nothing like a momma 's love for  her first puppy.


One thing we have learned. When the girls are in heat, there ain't no way in OmpaLumpa Land that he is getting a hair cut OR shower. ;0)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm Talking "No Poo"

Your probably thinking ,"What is this girl talking about?" Well, I have decided to no longer use shampoo or conditioner!!! (Dun Dun Dun) Yes you heard me right.  No more shampoo or conditioner for me.
I got this crazy idea from two of my friends who happen to be sisters. They began blogging about there decision to  join this group of the "non-pooers!"
My first response was among the norm. Nasty!  Disgustumondo! But then I was like, "Hmmm, Why would they do this and what are  the benefits?" They are both amazing moms and I've always looked up to them. (Even though I'm probably years older.) So I began to look further into it.

Sooo, here is the reasons why.
I have very thin hair and always have. After having my babies I began seeing that my hair was thinning a lot. Like seriously! Not even kidding. My husband would look  at me and say,"Awe, babe your going bald again." Isn't he just  Special!  How sweet to inform me about something that I already knew. Just pushed a baby, the size of a prize winning watermelon out, but never mind that,lets just comment about my going bald!
The doozy  though was after I had my third baby,Averie. I remember looking at my reflection and could not figure out what was different about me. Then it hit me my eyelashes where totally gone. They were my Fav too. You know when your friend asks you," so what do you like best about your body?" Well mine was always my eyelashes, and she'd be like" What thats not a body part." and  I would say," Uh, yes it is! It's a part, on My Body!"
So, I apparently I have some sort of weird hormon thing that sucks up my hair. The Dr. did all the tests and I'm good, just going bald. Sort of. But it was scary. I started using a very expensive, or what I thought was expensive, shampoo and conditioner. And just like magic my hair began to look thicker. But like I said it was expensive. Sorry kids, no dinner tonight. Momma needs to wash her hair. Haha. jk  I let them have a snack.

All of this to say, my name is Jennifer Pena and I have thinning hair. I'm doing this for healthier hair and just a healthier me. I'm not expecting everybody to jump on board or to even understand. I've never been one to follow the crowd. And had I not met Jesus, I would be a full fledge Hippie living in one of those cute little vans with pretty painted flowers.  

This is me,

Here is more info on the benefits of No Poo- Shampoo

Ohh, and I did get eyelashes back, but they've never been the same.