Saturday, August 18, 2012

Resting in Gods plan

Well, God is making some mighty big changes in our sweet little Familia!
Numero Uno, I'm learning Spanish! Just kidding, I'm not.
But, my kiddos are no longer being home schooled!! I have "partially" cut the ties and they are now going to First Baptist Academy!!! Woot!  Woot!  And I say partially, because they will be upstairs and I will be teaching PreK3's downstairs. ;0)  Baby Steps.
I'm still freaking out, well I was, but I remembered, Gods in control. Aaand I'm downstairs.

The other thing the Lord is doing in our family, which JD and I have prayed about  for the last 14 yrs., but really, really been praying about it for the last 6yrs is we are adopting. We don't know who, but we know we are. We have to go through the whole process. Which I must say is a long, very papery process. Seriously! When we had our own kids it was like Congrats! Here's your baby, Good luck. Oh, and don't bathe them until their belly button falls off!   What!!! Why!!!  Soo confused!
I thought Ethan was deaf the first few weeks cause when I banged on the wall next to his bassinet he wouldn't wake up. My Tio, ( who was also our pediatrician) was like, " Mija, Why?! Why would you bang on the wall? He's sleeping. Let him sleep, Mija."  It was all sooo confusing to me!

The other big change happening is JD and I feel that the Lord has asked us to adopt a sibling group. Which means we will be taking in  2-4 kiddos, 7 years old and younger, as our own.
So right about now, for those who are just hearing this news, your probably thinking, Holy Moly! She's completely gone Bonkers! OR you are thinking Wow! How awesome is that! They must have big hearts!  And y'all are both kinda right, Actually I would agree more with the Bonkers people.
Yes, we do have a big heart when it comes to loving kids. God has always placed a desire in my heart to have a bunch of kids. I just never imagined that He would fulfill it in this way. But I know He is in control and with a joyful heart I accept it. Not to say that I'm not scared. Cause Holy Cow! Who wouldnt be? It is scary when I really think about it.That will be a total 7 kiddos.( And yes, I did use my fingers.) But I trust Him. And how awesome God is to give me a husband with the same desire.  Soo, Here comes the sappy part. Sorry.
One thing I do want to say, with a humble heart. It really has nothing to do with JD and I being special or having a big heart. But it has everything to do with the God that we serve. HE is an amazing God and HE has blessed us more than we could ever ask or deserve. Over and over again I have seen the hand of God protecting my marriage, restoring it, and growing it. And when He calls you to do something that is scary and causes you to completely trust that He will make a way, you Go and you listen.
Something I've heard this past week and I've heard it before. But it really rings true to me even more now is, He does not call the Equipped, but instead He Equips the called.
 So here I am letting go of having complete control of my kids schooling, or naively thinking that I did. And saying yes Lord, I will open my home to children whom I've never met before, but in my heart I already feel that they are mine. I will love them with the same unconditional love I have for Ethan,Ashleigh and Averie.  I can say this without a doubt or question in my mind because God has planted this love in my heart way before I was even born. How Amazing is that! My God IS an Awesome God and is Soo Good!
Philippians 2:12-13

Jenii Pena

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