Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh, the Pain

Yesterday, I decided it was time for me to really get serious about getting back to the gym. So, as any normal "fluffy" woman would do, I went all GI Jane and did two classes. I realize now that most "fluffy" women know  they are not GI Jane for a reason. 
It hit me that maybe I should have re thunk this whole 2 class thing  when I was putting the weights on the bar and was already very winded.  I couldn't look back now. I had already promised myself to go through with it. "I can do this." I tell myself. "You've done this before, it's a piece of cake." That's a bunch of Hog Wash! Cake is good, and you can sit and eat it. Working out hurts from the tips of my poo- free hair to the bottom of my unmatched socks.

 By the end of the first class I was already shaken like someone had just tazzered me. What do you do when your that tuckered out?  Well, If your your GI JANE you go for another round. And that's exactly what I did. Let me just say there was a plethora of weaknesses leaving my body, cause I was feeling a whole lot of pain.

I'm really feeling it today. While getting in my "Monster" truck it crossed my mind to use my youngest child as a stepping stool. Looking at Averie I thought "Just stand behind me baby, you can break my fall."  Don't judge! She's young, she heals faster. And who's stupid idea was it to get a truck with a 6in lift for a woman who is 5'2 anyways! Okay, maybe it was my idea, but he said yes, so that means it's his fault!

I will never understand how it is possible to be this sore. I can't even walk. My legs will not listen to me. My mind is saying step and then 2 sec. later here comes my legs. They're fighting me saying, " We ain't gonna step, your the fool that did this, so your gonna have to drag us."  So here I am trying to walk, looking as if I'm in the midst of a seizure.  When all I want to do is  just lie down in the middle of the street.

Well,  I have a feeling that tomorrow is not going to be any better. But I'm not quiting now. After all is said and done I'm glad I finished those 2 classes. I'm not giving up now, and just maybe by summer I'll be out of those "Mom" jeans and back in my "Hot" pants.

This is me,
Jenii Marie

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